It's a new design...I like it much better than former attempts.
Also, yesterday I went with Dad down in our woods...
he drove the lawn tractor down...
I road in the wagon!
hee hee hee...
Sorry it still amuses me!
because recently I've went to an endocrinologist...
it turns out I have hyperthyroidism...
which means my thyroid is putting out too much thyroid hormone...
which makes pretty much everything my body run too fast...
including my appetite (bigger clothes size)...
and my heart...
hence I can't walk up the hill, because
my poor heart is working harder than it should anyway...
I would appreciate prayers from those of you who know the Lord.
It was so beautiful down there!
I picked up some leaves for my fall decor.
Let me know what y'all think of the new purse design.
(As always, they are available for custom order!)