Can you ever forgive me?
I know I said I'd write again later in the week,
but this is the soonest I could...
So sorry! :(
Well anyhoo...
Check out this cute sheet music that I got for a buck!
It goes perfectly with my new decor for the season!
There is a home school formal that
we (my sister, cousins, and myself)
attend every spring.
Home school alumni are invited,
and I jump at the chance to dress up!
Here is my design for the dress I'm making...
(The theme is "A night in Paris" or somethin' like that.)
So I named my dress:
"American in Paris"

For the blue striped bodice
I've painted stripes on white taffeta.
I think I'll skip the red ric rac on the sleeves and paint two thin blue stripes...
I found so fabulous shiney blue tulle at Joann's
that I'm going to wear under the skirt...
I'm also going to make a little beret!
This is the design for my "Practice Dress"
(to make sure I get a good fit!)
I think I'm going to skip the ric rac at the bottom.
I found a cute vintage zipper at Etc. that is canary yellow
that I'm going to use with this dress.

Here's my progress on it so far...
(on my new duct tape dress form...
made via the MaryJane's Farm directions!)
I think it's going to be CUTE!
I'll keep you posted!